The more I see about the trouble between Skeptic and XW the more confused I am.....
People make mistakes... let's all forgive and move on.
i can't help but wonder if it gets lost somewhere in cyberspace.
there are a couple of threads that are active at this time where the original poster did or said something deemed inappropriate....this was pointed out to them...threads locked or the poster retracted what they should be over right?
but nooooo some people continue to kick that poster over and over and over.....with their mocking and cruel comments.
The more I see about the trouble between Skeptic and XW the more confused I am.....
People make mistakes... let's all forgive and move on.
put down your new world translation.. stop quoting your time- worn texts.. look at your life, for god's sake, mr. average witness!.
all this obedience and constricted living is supposed to get you blessings!.
i simply gave up - both as an elder and a long-time witness.
Wow! Cool thread.
I too experienced "everything getting better" when I left. I am part of a huge group of friends. REAL friends, not the pseudo friends like you get at the KH. These friends show up when I need help, they love me when I make mistakes even. These are the kind of friends who when they know you're having trouble paying your bills slide money under the door.
My life is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better now than it was in the WT! I have a terrific husband who never tells me I am not being submissive enough. We have an equal relationship and decide things together. Financially things are much better, we're even trying to buy a house. (!!!) I have health insurance, dental insurance even! It's a whole different world, and it is way more fun!
Life is good outside the bOrg!
when i for my hearing where i had to tell the elders what i had been up to, they asked real personal questions such as where did you do it?, did you go down on him?, were you drunk?, and the big one did you use any toys or vegetables as sex tools?
now i don't know about everyone elses disfellowshiping meetings but did this happen for you?.
anyway has anyone experienced similar?
Hi Desy, welcome to the board! I was DFd for adultery. I was leaving for my own reasons; lack of love in the organization, the way child sexual abuse was not handled etc. I allowed myself to to be DFd for adultery so my ex could remarry without having me spied on by the elders.
I think I was very lucky. My Judicial commitee showed up at my house, my turf you might say. (for once not being able to drive put me at an advantage!) I set the house up ahead of time, got myself looking just the way I wanted to and basically controlled the entire situation. I had the table and chairs by the front door and didn't let them any further into the house. They were really nervous! They hemmed and hawed as they tried to ask me if I had committed adultery. I said Yup! and I'm going to do it as often as possible! The looks on their faces were priceless... they were so intimidated by me they didn't ask for details. (shucks, I had some really great ones ready too! LOL) As they were leaving they said they would form a commitee and decide what to do with me. I said; "You have to disfellowship me. I am totally unrepentant!" Wow, bet they never heard that before!
Merry Meet!
tomorrow is our 29th anniversary!.
so, tonight calls for a big celebration.
we're off to the "flute de paris" for an evening of wine and good food in a top restaurant in wsm.
Congratulayions and very best wishes for many more happy years together!!!!
do you know of former jw who were able to just leave the 'truth' and not being severely effected by that move?
are there any former jw who had no troubles after leaving?
Having no family, except an ex husband, in the borg meant that my post leaving has been pretty easy, xcept for dealing with my ex around the kids... It was the decision to leave that was hard. The second I was out I felt better.
I suppose there are a few people I miss from time to time, but I have plenty of real friends.
It doesn't seem to be... but it also doesn't seem to recognize the damage a "high control group" can do to it's adherants.
what other scams ,schemes and crazy stuff do people fall for apart from becoming jehovahs witnesses?do you know of things to watch out for that some others may not be well informed enought about to know the problems involved?
homoeopathy is one.companies making millions out of the suffering of desperate people and selling them suger and water.
the only effect homoeopathy can have is a placebo one that may cause you to be more relaxed and less stressed due to the belief you are being cured, which will aid recovery,but that would just happen if you were lied to by your doctor.
I was very skeptical of homeopathy, but I was desperate. I tried one ailment and it worked... or seemed to. I tried it again and again, dramatic improvement. I still use it from time to time when other methods fail me. Occasionally I have had no improvement with homeopathy, to be honest, but I am untrained and am trying to sort things out with a book. When I had a practitioner to consult it worked very well.
However, I respect your healthy skeptisism. I am sure it serves you well.
absolutely not! Your dad is trying to blackmail you emotionally and is being a bully and ... ooo this makes me mad! It is obvious you are trying hard to do your bast for everyone. You are a good friend, a good daughter and a good granddaughter. Don't let his comment get you down.
yup. I was kicked out (quite willingly and happily) for adultery! *GASP* It was SO worth it!!! I have never felt that my "reputation" was damaged. I don't judge people and I hardly care if a bunch of uptight cultists think I'm a fallen woman.
I am flying high and loving life!!
this is just a little bit of venting because i need it!
also i need to know what you think / your experiences.. ok. i leave jws and after a while i feel great about it.
i express how i feel to jws - they think i'm persecuting them!.
Excellent post, Sirona.
Don't let those holier than thou jerks get you down! You are better, braver and more authentic than they will ever be.
Bright Blessings and a wish for healing to come your way,